Ways To Detect a Hidden Camera in a Room.

When you stay in an hotel, how do you know there is no room pinhole camera?

When you travel or take a business trip, and stay in a hotel or a guest house or room you could unknowingly be photographed.

You can use this method to check your room:1. When you enter into the room, turn off the lights, and close the curtains, open your phone camera, do not turn the flash light on.Turn around the room with your cell phone.

When a red dot is found, that means that a hidden web camera is installed. If no red dots, the room is ok.

2. Place a call on your cell phone, then wave the device around where you think there might be a hidden camera or microphone. If you can hear a clicking noise on the call, it means your phone might be interfering with an electromagnetic field.

If you can’t make a call there is a chance of a hidden camera too. The scientific explanation behind this phenomena is “interference of fiber optic cable during the signal transfer”.

3. Launch the flashlight of your smartphone and carefully examine books, clocks, air purifiers, lamps etc. If you notice any pinhole-sized holes, you might have a hidden camera in the room.

How to detect hidden camera behind mirror

Launch the flashlight of your smartphone and shine it directly onto a wall mounted mirror. Take the flashlight and move it progressively closer to the mirror until it touches the mirror. If you can see through the mirror, or notice the light shining through it, you have a one-way mirror, and possibly a hidden camera behind it. A mirror should always reflect light, not allow the light to penetrate through it.

Using Hidden Camera Detectors

 Alternatively, you can buy hidden camera detectors. That’s much better than searching for minuscule cameras hidden somewhere among the hundred possible places in the room. These portable devices are of different types, small and simple to use. 

You can hold one of them up to your eye, and look around the room. When it finds a camera, you’ll see the light reflection from the cameras LED. Another one vibrates when you’re close in close vicinity to a hidden camera. Others give off flashing lights or beeping sounds when you sweep specific objects that contain hidden cameras.

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